Weston Creek Community Council

your local voice

Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek 2611

Phone: 6288 8975

Fax: 6288 9179

Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au

Web Site http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc

Minutes of Monthly Meeting

26th August 1998




Bob Sutherland welcomed the committee and members of the public to the monthly meeting. Bob advised that the agenda included the Woden Police Station, Archery Field, PACTT, the auditor, Kambah Road in Holder, Rivett Shops and the Weston Creek Community Service. He asked for items for ‘other business' and this was expanded to include the Youth Recreation Facility.


Gary Caitcheon


Youth Recreation Facility

Mr John Logue, President of the Weston Primary School Board, advised the meeting that Canberra Urban Parks representatives had visited the school for discussions with the School Board. There appeared to be two favoured locations adjacent to the Weston Oval and near the Weston Scout Hall. Mr Logue also indicated that from the discussions it appears that the funding had been increased to $700,000 however this was yet to be fully substantiated. These two sites significantly removed the contentious site hidden behind Cooleman Court and in close proximity to residence in Mountain View estate. It was also indicated at that meeting the target age group is 12-16 years old.

Weston Creek Community Service

Bob Sutherland advised attendees that the Weston Creek Community Service Annual General Meeting was to be held on 15th Sept at their premises in Parkinson Street. Mr Sutherland indicated that the WCCS was a service provider of community support within Weston Creek and encouraged people to attend if they had an interest.



Mr Henderson indicated that at the AGM there was discussion on investigating the possibility of an Honorary Auditor for the WCCC. The auditor must not be a member of the WCCC committee, did not prepare the books of the Council and assure themselves that the funds received had been spent in accordance with any grant conditions. An Honorary Auditor was acceptable, under the conditions of the Registrar of Associations, as the WCCC did not have assets over $150,000. Ms Sue Galvin had indicated an interest in assisting the WCCC and this was put to the meeting. Mr Sutherland indicated that the ability to provide independent verification on the use of the funds by a community group was critical to good management of the grant received. Mr Sutherland moved the motion that Ms Galvin be appointed as auditor. Moved Jeff Carl, seconded Rosemary Drabsch.


Planning ACT Together (PACTT) is a loose coalition of community groups with a focus on planning. Meetings have occurred with the aim of re-establishing itself in this term of the ACT Government. WCCC representatives have attended the last two meetings which have been attended by approximately 35 other community associations and councils. The WCCC will maintain contact with PACTT to assist where appropriate. The next PACTT meeting is Saturday 29th August.

Archery Field

The WCCC received an inquiry from the Secretary of the Weston Creek-Woden Valley Archery Club regarding activities of Parks and Gardens Depot staff. The Club utilises land adjacent to the Holder (Dixon Dr) Parks and Gardens depot. The land is designated recreational and is not leased to any organisation or government agency. Until recently the depot had not impinged on the land.

Recent practises have changed and materials (soil, sand etc) are being stockpiled and rubbish (clipping, tree branches, old fences, and bricks) is being dumped. This has also encouraged other illegal dumping by householders. The Archery Club requested WCCC assistance.

Contact has been made with several government agencies including Canberra Urban Parks, Canberra Open Spaces. Attempts are being made to reverse current work practices and to ensure stockpiled material is removed as soon as possible. The WCCC will continue to monitor the site.

Woden Police Station

Jocelyn Murphy spoke to this issue and suggestions regarding a response from the WCCC. The previous monthly meeting attracted approximately 110 people to listen to Gary Humphries, Minister for Police, and Jason Byrnes, Secretary Australian Federal Police Association debate the scenario of re-allocation of police resources in Woden Valley, Weston Creek and Tuggeranong. That meeting raised a number of issues that impacted on Weston Creek in the form of police presence and police response times.

Jocelyn requested guidance from this meeting on the issues to be addressed in the WCCC submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety who were investigating the impact and options of the use of police resources. The meeting requested that Jocelyn ensure that her draft contained comment on police presence in Weston Creek, response time, the format and operation of a ‘shopfront’ in Woden plaza and the possible trial of new operational scenarios.

The meeting also agreed that: (1) Mr Henderson submit a letter to the Secretary of the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety by 28th August 1998 indicating that the WCCC submission would be provided shortly. (2) Jocelyn provide the draft paper and this be put on the WCCC web site for comments by residents; and (3) residents provide their email address towccc@dynamite.com.au so that edits can be complied and verified.

Rivett Shops Precinct

The meeting was advised that Canberra Open Spaces had begun consultation with Rivett shop owners and tenants regarding the potential to improve the shopping centre and the WCCC attends the meetings. There has been agreement on the wording of the survey to be delivered to all 8,400 letterboxes in Weston Creek; this will be followed by a doorknock survey in Rivett.

The WCCC suggested that a number of options be considered to improve the shopping centre and the comments focussed on the mix of possible uses; eg ACT Shopfront, Medicare Office, bulk billing doctor, youth drop-in, seniors drop-in, lease variation to allow residences/shopfronts; and office use that did not need passer-by foot traffic. WCCC will continue to be involved in this activity.

Kambah Road, Holder

An issue that has arisen since the last WCCC meeting has been the use of Kambah Road Holder (off Cotter Road). The road is being used as a stockpile of building materials, stone, pipes, gravel, chip bark and locked gates prevent public foot traffic between Holder and the Stromlo Pine Forest, especially Deeks Run.

The WCCC has contacted a number of ACT Government organisations to determine the responsible agency investigations. The WCCC will re-contact those organisations shortly to determine the outcome of investigations.

Chief Ministers Department Meeting

The next Chief Minister Department convened Community Council Forum will be held on Tuesday 8th September 5.00pm-7.30pm

Other Business

A suggestion was proposed that the draft agenda of the next monthly WCCC meeting be posted to the Web site when the minutes are posted. This will be attempted and it will give residents and opportunity to make agenda suggestions.

A question was raised regarding the work on stormwater in Duffy. A full account of the work is in the minutes of WCCC meeting of 23 July 1997 available on the web site.

A question was asked of the progress of the Cooleman Court Precinct Group. The plans are currently within ACT government agencies and are expected to go to community comment shortly. There will be a period of tender selection and construction is projected to commence in January 1999.

Meeting closed 9.45pm

Next meeting 23rd September 1998